Nina Panesar-Woods Nina Panesar-Woods

Gratitude practice


As we have already explored this week, the transitioning of the seasons can be a bumpy journey for us all, and slowing down is to be much encouraged. Now we turn our attention towards focusing in and showing a little gratitude from where we have come, to what we might have, however perceptibly large or small that thing might be. Let us practice a little gratitude.

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Nina Panesar-Woods Nina Panesar-Woods


Already the shift in seasons is apparent and we begin to crave more warming, comforting foods. Here we turn our attention to the foods that are in season and naturally these are foods that are sweeter, heavier and smooth. Foods that will keep us fuller for longer and make us feel nourished, warm and comforted. We move away from bright fresh herbs to earthy spices; cinnamon, cardamon, fennel and ginger to aid in our digestion, which also has a habit of slowing down this time of year. These foods are all Kapha orientated and are perfect to help us balance the seasonal Vata.

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Nina Panesar-Woods Nina Panesar-Woods

Ayurveda and the autumn equinox

As we transition from Summer into Autumn and look towards the equinox, its time to take note of how impactful the changing of the seasons is on us and what we can learn and do to help ourselves transition through this time with the utmost care.

Every day until we reach the Autumn Equinox, I’ll be giving you tips and ideas on how to gently ease into the seasonal shift with the introduction of new warming foods and offering compassionate and mindful practices of yoga, meditation and more.

Over here at Sansaar Ayurveda HQ we have also been preparing for another change. You might have already seen the website looks very different. Sansaar has had a rebrand which I feel now really does represent what I do so much better and over the next few weeks and months more exciting changes will be revealed.

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